5 Biggest Messenger Apps
Everything You Need to Know About 5 Biggest Messenger Apps [Infographic] I still remember my reaction when my 60 years old dad sent me a GIF via whatsapp. I still remember how surprised I was when my 12 years old niece told me about her choice for whatsapp over facebook… App
The Real Difference Between Google And Apple
Google and Apple are both hyper-successful companies, but chart their patents, and they have completely different innovation signatures & the article explains the real differences between Apple and Google. Steve Jobs has been granted 347 patents in the past decade, many awarded posthumously. By contrast, Google’s Sergey Brin and Larry… App
Is it time to go freelance?
There’s a tendency within the design community to depict freelancing as a goal to be achieved. Now a days initially starts freelance and turned into a company or agency. Who wouldn’t want to lie in every day, do two hours of work in front of the TV, followed by an afternoon… App
Recent Design Trends And Upcoming Prospects Of The Mobile App Market
The mobile app market is growing faster than a beanstalk. Current design trends reflects the future projections of the Mobile app market. The industry is huge and growing daily, and there is no end in sight. Expectedly, the mobile developer population has boomed, and the number of mobile apps in… App