app design
When It Comes to UX Design, Simplicity Is Overrated
Is simplicity a real thing? Or is design the pursuit of something else entirely? A Logic 101 professor once explained to the class I was in that a major factor in screaming matches between people is the lack of a shared definition of a key term. “Clean,” for example, can…
How to get noticed by major brands
We’ve all dreamt about working for big brands and want to know the theory that how to get noticed by major brands Like Microsoft, Google, Apple, McDonalds, Coca-Cola…they all have one thing in common; they’re household names. But getting their attention can be tricky. Many of them hire thousands of…
The Real Difference Between Google And Apple
Google and Apple are both hyper-successful companies, but chart their patents, and they have completely different innovation signatures & the article explains the real differences between Apple and Google. Steve Jobs has been granted 347 patents in the past decade, many awarded posthumously. By contrast, Google’s Sergey Brin and Larry…